I’m Breaking Up With You, Fear

I’m Breaking Up With You, Fear

I’m breaking up with you, Fear. It’s been coming for a long time. I’ve wanted to tell you the truth, but I was afraid of you. Afraid you’d overpower me. Afraid you’d try anything to keep me here, inside your lair, unwitting and too weak...
My not NDE

My not NDE

I just read Anita Moorjani’s new book, “Sensitive is the New Strong: The Power of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World.” NDE stories resonate with me, and Anita has such a lovely speaking voice. You’d have to be.. well.. insensitive, to be...
One Painter’s Jesus

One Painter’s Jesus

My husband’s grandmother, Betty, was an art student in her youth. She had talent, and was well known in her community for her character studies. She painted scenes from the past, women sneaking moments of solitude in their obviously chore-filled lives, reading...