Patience Appreciation

Patience Appreciation

You don’t see until you see. And when you do see, you’ll see there’s more you don’t see. Until you see more. Of course, if you’re not looking, you won’t see much. But if you are looking, you’re bound to see. It’s just...
Shift Rich

Shift Rich

Moving from one way of being into another is fraught with challenges. Amazing, really, how well we manage it, constantly birthing and deathing. But it is hard to acknowledge that we, the small we, are mere instruments of change. The real shift is happening behind the...
Manifest Praise

Manifest Praise

What can we do when the world burns? Put out our own fires. Praise is a foolproof method for maintaining balance in an off-balance environment. Refuse to succumb to judgment or complaint. Dominate the room. Don’t fall for what looks normal in a mad...
Healing Thrive

Healing Thrive

In the face of external obstacles, keep going, keep tearing off the masks, shedding the history, forging the world’s future with personal...
Stillness Listen

Stillness Listen

When I get quiet, I can hear the horse nextdoor whinneying. It’s magical. And maybe this is what the sound looks like, passing through the air from the horse’s throat to my...