Ok, the picture. Years ago, I went to a psychic/channeler who asked me if I’d heard of the Seven Sacred Rays. I said No. She explained, I looked them up, bought the “bible” and read it many times. I love it, because it’s the kind of visioning I love to do. Some would say, utter fantasy. But that’s where I live, so finding a bunch of Powerful Spirits who dwell in the same place I like to play was like making a bunch of new friends.
Anyway, the point is, Lord Serapis Bey, the keeper of the 4th Ray, as depicted here, looks like Hope and Strength to me. Feels like these colors, these patterns. Or they feel like “Him” to me. Over time, I developed relationships with the Lords and Masters of the Rays, and their groups of helpers. It’s a whole thing. A whole thing that I also let go of when my mother got sick and died.
After watching her succumb to Dementia, and fighting her “friends” in court over the last 5 years, I’m just now coming back from the edge. On that edge, I met the Devil face to face. Clever. Creative. Subtle. Subversive. Crippling. Tormenting. Fear incarnate, in all its masks, testing, teaching. He reached into my Soul and stole everything. I watched it happen. You might say, I let it happen.
Here, now, I’m strangely grateful to that Devil teacher. Of course, I’d prefer Joy, Ease and Light to show me the way. But darkness works, too. Finding your way in the dark is painful, and when you’ve had enough, you begin to see the Light, to snap out of it and say, “Ok, I get it.”
I do believe the Rays, the Angels, my personal Team, my Star families, ancestors and my Mom are always rooting for me. They can’t live my life for me, but they can plant seeds as well as any Devil can. Then maybe they Hope and pray for me, that I discover my own Strength and rise again into a new and improved version of myself.